Experience & FAQ
Our Process
Send an email explaining what type of session you're looking for. Information including number of subjects, ages of children, a theme (if applicable), and/or date and location are all helpful to know!
Once all information for the session is agreed on, a session agreement along with a retainer to hold your place on the calendar will be sent to your email. Please accept within 3 days to confirm your spot on the calendar.
Within 48 hours prior to your session, your photographer will reach out to confirm all the details of your session! A session can range from 20-minutes to an hour, depending on location and subjects.
All standard family sessions are delivered within two weeks of the session date. Larger events and parties can take up to 8 weeks for delivery. You session agreement will provide more specific details.
How many pictures will we receive?
All standard (family, individual, etc...) sessions include 12 images. Sessions may include extra images in which you may purchase optionally through your gallery once delivered. Mini events and parties/weddings can range, so please see details specific to each event or reach out for more details.
How do we book a newborn session?
Congrats on your newbie! We will proceed through the booking process, and your due date will be placed on the calendar. Once you are home and settled, reach out to schedule a specific date and time. It is best to shoot within the first six weeks of birth; the longer you wait, the more chance of have a more alert baby. In-home sessions are best during the late morning to early afternoon to get a lot of natural light in the home.
What’s the best time of day to have a session?
Personally, I prefer within two hours of sunset to get that pretty golden light. A midday shoot is possible between October thru March since the sun is lower in the sky. In-home sessions can take place during the late morning into early afternoon hours to get lot's of natural light filtering throughout the home.
Are there any additional fees?
Additional feed may incur if:
*The location we agree on requires a permit. You will be informed if a location requires one prior to booking.
*The location is outside of a 30-minute drive from my home in Lansdale, a travel fee will be added on starting at $25/fifteen minutes
*Any heavy editing requests that was not at fault of the Photographer (i.e. sunburn), additional fees may apply
*If you decide to upgrade your session to add more images, you have the option to do that through your gallery.
How long does it take to receive our portraits?
Standard galleries are all delivered within two weeks of the session. An event such as a wedding can take up to 8 weeks.
How should we dress for our family session?
This is an important question! While everyone has their own style, the best way to coordinate is to pick 2-3 main colors that complement each other. Sticking to 1-2 patterns overall helps keep the distractions down. Best to avoid everyone in exact matching outfits, although this can work for a few subjects if there is a large group. A little tip: spring is great for pastels, summer for bolds, fall for earthy tones, and winter for darks. Neon or highlighter-bright colors are not recommended as it can be hard for the camera sensors to pick up as well as cast a color on yourselves and others around you.
We aren't sure of where we want to shoot, how do we decide?
I have a plethora of outdoor locations that I can recommend around the Southeastern PA region. Some locations work better during the week (for instance, a venue that books weddings), so knowing when you'll be available to shoot and what you're wearing are helpful details in making location suggestions.
Do you offer prints?
Yes! Your gallery will be connected to an online shop which offers a variety of prints, canvases, cards, and more! Your prints are guaranteed to be top-notch in quality, as your gallery will be linked to the best labs in the country.